Osteopathy is a complementary medical therapy using ‘hands on’ diagnosis and treatment of problems and restrictions in the musculoskeletal system. The name osteopathy was given to the therapy by its founder Dr Still in 1874; it comes from the Greek osteon (bone) and pathos (to suffer). In fact osteopaths treat far more than bones and the main emphasis is on finding the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms.
The strength of osteopathy lies in the way the patient is assessed, encompassing their lifestyle, activities and posture. All these elements help to give a picture of why the problem has occurred and the best way to treat it. The osteopaths at Cranbrook Osteopathic Practice work with their hands, using a wide range of approaches – including a soft tissue massage, articulating joints and subtle techniques releasing tension in tissues and organs. The treatment is tailored to the requirements of the individual patient.
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